Be advised, if your intent is to use our reporting platform as an avenue to threaten or cause harm to any person,
place or thing; or for any other illegal purpose other than to legitimately report a crime you will not be
protected by Crime Stoppers privilege.
Nick Migliore joined Toronto Crime Stoppers as a Director in April of 2014. Nick is the President of Executek International. Executek international provides Physical Security Solutions, Investigations, background checks, Consulting Services and Risk Mitigation Solutions. Nick has held positions for the Canadian National Railway, Canada Lands, TrizecHahn and was the Executive Director for Toronto’s CN Tower. Nick has a MBA from Queens University and is a Board Certified Fraud Examiner. Nicks management experience and depth in all aspects of security makes him an invaluable member of our Board.
Toronto Crime Stoppers is offering you a new way to securely provide tips through SecureDrop. (THIS IS FOR CYBER RELATED CRIME ONLY. Please use our SUBMIT TIP P3 interface for regular tips.)
On a malware-free device, you will need to download and install the Tor browser. From there, you will access the hidden SecureDrop page.
Once the connection is successfully made, you will be prompted to paste a link into the browser and input your tip information. You will be given a secure codename to continue private communication with Toronto Crime Stoppers.
For more information, and to proceed with a tip submission through SecureDrop, click HERE. We take your privacy and anonymity very seriously.